Working group
The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is an Internet Standard. RTP and its associated profiles and payload formats provides for real-time transmission of audio and video over unicast and multicast transports.
The Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance (avtcore) Working Group in IETF is chartered to:
- Maintain the core RTP/RTCP specifications and the AVP, SAVP, AVPF, and SAVPF profiles.
- Develop application-specific guidelines for the use of RTP/RTCP protocols with the AVP, SAVP, AVPF, and SAVPF profiles, and extensions to those protocols that are driven by application-specific needs.
- Specify and maintain payload formats for use with RTP, developing RTP payload formats for new media codecs, review and revise existing payload formats to advance those that are especially
useful to Internet Standard, and declare others Historic. - Evaluate and process proposals for RTP eXtended Report Block (XRBLOCK) definitions containing new metrics.
The WG's milestones span early 2019 to Mar 2020.
General information
- Status: Published
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: