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Brussels, 18 March 2021 - 2023 & BIMprove announce a signature of a MoU. These two European initiatives align with the open innovation approach in the standardization of Digital Twin Technologies. 2023 initiative is supported by the European Commission. It reinforces the presence of the European experts in the international ICT standardization by allocating direct funding to 400+ individuals. Also, it launches an online one-stop-shop for professionals dealing with standards, the European Observatory for ICT Standardisation (EUOS). The EUOS gathers an up-to-date standards repository as well as working groups sharing insights about ongoing standardization efforts across different initiatives. 2023 focuses on horizontal and vertical ICT fields as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation[1], two specific fields being Digital Twins and Industry 4.0.
BIMprove harnesses the power of cutting-edge Digital Twin Technology to lead construction sites into the Industry 4.0 revolution. To ensure comparability, compatibility or interoperability with what is already on the market BIMprove builds on existing standards. Therefore, it performed a thorough analysis of the current standardization landscape identifying relevant standardization committees including published formal standards, and those under development, thus the current state-of-the-art, in the field of BIM and Digital Twins on European and international level. To meet partners’ and market needs BIMprove foresees to contribute to future standard-setting activities. Be it by contribution to standards under development, by initiation of new standards or by development of new specifications. Such reference documents represent the new state-of-the-art for use by industry and procurers simultaneously building confidence among users and consumers.
The MoU can consolidate even further this commitment.
Quote from BIMprove partner:
“Driving digital twin technology and digitization in construction and building management is challenging, exciting, but also feasible with Open BIM! For this to succeed we need to speak the same language - and that is standards. The cooperation between BIMprove and StandICT is an important milestone to drive and develop this unified language” said Stefanie Müller, Project Manager at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization, a key partner in the BIMprove team.
One of the major tasks of the coming 2023 months will result in delivering landscape & gap analysis from the top-notch experts dealing with standardisation in the field of Digital Twins. The goal is to openly share this state-of-the-art as well as to highlight the most pressing priorities to be addressed to the European Policy makers, the international Standardisation Organization [SDOs] and to National Standardisation Bodies [NSBs]. With this regard, the signature of this Memorandum establishes a trustworthy collaboration between 2023 and BIMprove.
For more information & contact of 2023 runs from the 1st of September 2020 for a period of 36 months. The Consortium of Partners includes Trust-IT SRL (Coordinator), Dublin City University and Australo Interinnov Marketing Lab SL. The 2023 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation programme - under the grant agreement no. 951972.
Twitter: @Stand_ICT
LinkedIn: /company/standict-eu/
For more information & contact of BIMprove
Twitter: @BIMproveEU
LinkedIn: /company/bimprove-project/