Landscape of Robotics Standards
This report produced by the Technical Working Group (TWG) on robotics provides an updated overview of standards for three critical robotics applications.
The series "Following the Fellows" aims to display the impact achieved through the work carried out by our fellows and to illustrate the demonstrable outcomes that excellent research can make to both society, industry and economy.
This series of publications provides an accurate and overarching overview of the diverse array of global standardisation work underway across the different domains tackled by each Technical Working Group and the various organisations behind them.
Here are some examples of fellowship applications from our different calls. Learn about the impact the European fellows created within their SDO work in the complete List of Fellows.
With this fellowship, the purpose is to help organisations to deal with ethical and societal risks when developing, producing, deploying, or using AI. This will help organizations to comply with new and emerging regulatory efforts to achieve trustworthy AI.
Through my fellowship I do aim to contribute to the achievement of better security alert management capabilities, using meta-alerts, alerts that summarise threats and incidents in order to understand the overall threat landscape, provide better context awareness and improve existing cyber threat intelligence sharing capabilities through automation, while remaining GDPR compliant
My fellowship will help to improve the visibility of CEN TC224 WG18 as well as the consideration of its work into practical products and services. More specifically, I have contributed to submitting the proposal to start several Preliminary Work Items, to define the Conformance Assessment of Biometric Solutions, that will lead to a future creation of a European Certification Scheme.