Available (342)

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Andrea Basso

Profile picture for user n.cueter
Submitted by Nathaniel Cueter on Tue, 07/16/2024 - 22:39
Read time: 0 mins
IEEE P7018 - Requirements for trustworthiness and security of pretrained AI generative models (LLM) Italy Artificial Intelligence

Samia Oukemeni

Profile picture for user n.cueter
Submitted by Nathaniel Cueter on Tue, 07/16/2024 - 21:31
Read time: 0 mins
Adaptive Context-Based Access Management for Critical Infrastructure Germany Cybersecurity Network and Information Security

Paulo Gonçalves

Profile picture for user n.cueter
Submitted by Nathaniel Cueter on Tue, 03/26/2024 - 10:52
Read time: 0 mins
Standards for Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Knowledge, Reasoning, Multiple Robots and HRI / Standards for Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Knowledge, Reasoning, and AI for Multiple Robots Portugal Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Jacak Witold

Profile picture for user n.cueter
Submitted by Nathaniel Cueter on Tue, 03/26/2024 - 10:43
Read time: 0 mins
Launching generalised quantum cryptography standardisation / Standards for new on-chip Integrated Circuit Quantum Random Number Generator (ASIC QRNG) devices Belgium Quantum Technology

Alexandru Vulpe

Profile picture for user n.cueter
Submitted by Nathaniel Cueter on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 17:17
Read time: 0 mins
Contribution to AI-based Network Application standardisation in 5G and beyond Romania 5G & beyond 6G

Ranganai Chaparadza

Profile picture for user n.cueter
Submitted by Nathaniel Cueter on Mon, 03/25/2024 - 16:30
Read time: 0 mins
Phase-2: STD Gen Framework: X-Dom Federated ETSI GANA KPs for 5G E2E Autonomic Security Man & Control / ITU-T FG-TBFxG Testbeds Federations Reference Model APIs Invocations Framework & Security Framework Germany 5G & beyond 6G
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