Robert Mueller

Proposal(s) title:
  • Advance Biometric System-on-Card standard series ISO/IEC 17839
Proposal(s) topic:

Cybersecurity/Network and Information security

Proposal(s) title:
  • Progress Extensible Minuitiae Standard ISO/IEC 39794-2
Proposal(s) topic:

Electronic identification and trust services (including e-signature)

Impact on SMEs:

Impact on SMEs (2nd Open Call)
Standardised biometric data formats enable interoperability and exchanging system components like biometric capture devices, algorithms, storage systems. This is of relevance for SMEs who typically provide only a single component rather than an entire solution like industry leading large corporations – which sometimes may rely on proprietary data formats.

Impact on society:

Impact on society (2nd Open Call)
Biometric user authentication is present in many applications, including not only smartphone usage but also banking, national ID, healthcare and border management. Citizens in Europe and beyond benefit from the use of open standards in civil and governmental applications allowing transparency, privacy and guaranteed level of service.

Proposal(s) title:
  • Advance Biometric System-on-Card standard series ISO/IEC 17839
Proposal(s) topic:

Electronic identification and trust services (including e-signature)

Proposal(s) title:
  • Develop Amendment to extensible minutiae standard ISO/IEC 39794-2
Proposal(s) topic:

Electronic identification and trust services (including e-signature)

Impact on SMEs:

Impact on SMEs (4th Open Call)
SMEs who typically provide only a single component rather than an entire solution like industry leading large corporations – which sometimes may rely on proprietary data formats.

Impact on society:

Impact on society (4th Open Call)
Standardised biometric data formats enable interoperability and exchanging system components like biometric capture devices, algorithms, storage systems

Value of Research

The main challenge is that some industry players dominate national bodies and want to promote their own product by making contributions to the industry standard.

Full Name: Robert Mueller
Title & Organisation Name: Dr. Robert Mueller IT Consulting
Country: Germany
Standards Development Organisation: