Olivier Genest

Proposal(s) title:
  • Bridging the gap between EU R&I ecosystem and worldwide standardisation on Smart Energy
Proposal(s) topic:

Smart Grids and Smart Metering

Impact on SMEs:

Impact on SMEs (2nd Open Call)
My activities in IEC SyC Smart Energy and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 allow me to be aware of on-going standards development in the field of IoT and Smart Energy, which is crucial for a SME providing consulting and expertise on innovation.
Additionally, when worldwide standards are better aligned with the EU R&I ecosystem, it makes it easier for European SMEs to make business at worldwide level (less specific development). Finally, when the EU R&I ecosystem, including SMEs, is better aware of the standards, its players can develop solutions which are already aligned to worldwide practices.

Impact on society:

Impact on society (2nd Open Call)
My work supports the development of smart energy grids, allowing to integrate a high share of renewable energy sources and to support new usages such as transports electrification (e-mobility). Smart energy grids also enable a more efficient operation of the energy systems (i.e. less energy losses) and foster an active commitment of grid users (i.e. consumers or prosumers) towards the energy transition.

Proposal(s) title:
  • Bridging the gap between EU R&I ecosystem and worldwide standardisation on Smart Energy
Proposal(s) topic:

Smart Grids and Smart Metering

Proposal(s) title:
  • Bridging the gap between EU R&I ecosystem and worldwide standardisation on Smart Energy
Proposal(s) topic:

Smart Grids and Smart Metering

Impact on SMEs:

Impact on SMEs (5th Open Call)
Firstly, my company Trialog is a European SME, which is impacted by my contribution. In particular, my activities in IEC SyC Smart Energy and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 allow me to be aware of on-going standards development in the field of IoT and Smart Energy, which is crucial for a company providing consulting and expertise on innovation. Also, my activities in the EU R&I ecosystem allow me to share experience based on our R&I projects and to learn from the experience of other projects and actors.
Secondly, the European SMEs from the smart energy sector, in particular those involved in EU R&I projects. Especially, worldwide standards are better aligned with the EU R&I ecosystem, making it easier for European SMEs to make business at worldwide level.

Value of Research

My work supports the development of smart energy grids, allowing to integrate a high share of renewable energy sources and to support new usages such as transports electrification (e-mobility). 

Full Name: Olivier Genest
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Director, Trialog
Country: France
Standards Development Organisation: