Working group
The mission of the Web Authentication Working Group, in the Security Activity is to define a client-side API providing strong authentication functionality to Web Applications.
The Working Group will determine use cases that the API needs to support and use these to derive requirements. Success will be determined by the implementation of API features as defined in this section of the charter.
API Features in scope are: (1) Requesting generation of an asymmetric key pair within a specific scope (e.g., an origin); (2) Proving that the browser has possession of a specific private key, where the proof can only be done within the scope of the key pair. In other words, authentication should obey the same origin policy.
Dependencies exist on the Credential Management API in the W3C Web Application Security Working Group along with the Client To Authenticator Protocol specification in FIDO.
Note that the details of any user experience (such as prompts) will not be normatively specified, although they may be informatively specified for certain function calls.
The Web Authentication Working Group should aim to produce specifications that have wide deployment and should adopt, refine and when needed, extend, existing practices and community-driven draft specifications when possible. The APIs should integrate well with Web Applications and so should be developed in concert with Web Application developers and reviewed by the Web Application Security and Web Applications Working Groups.
Comprehensive test suites should be developed for the specification to ensure interoperability. User-centric privacy considerations of device management and credentials should be taken into account. The Working Group may produce protocol standards as needed by the API.
General information
- Status: Published
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: Applications of information technology Cybersecurity