Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of the representative categories of cloud services, in which the cloud capabilities service provided to the CSC is an infrastructure capabilities type. IaaS environments and virtualized services are facing more challenges and threats than traditional information technology infrastructure and application. Platforms that share computing, storage, and network services need protections specific to the threats in the IaaS environment. If these threats are not carefully addressed, it will have very negative impact on the development of IaaS services.Recommendation ITU- X.SRIaaS aims to document the security requirements of public IaaS. This will be helpful for IaaS CSPs to improve the overall security level throughout the planning, constructing and operating stages of IaaS platform and services. This work also complements the security standardization activity related to Software Defined Networks
General information
- Status: Under development
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: Cloud computing
Latest published version :