The Unique Device Identifier (UDI) Pattern provides the guidelines for exchanging UDI information associated with medical devices, initially implantable devices in patients. This document will not give implementation guidance for specific use cases and worfklows, but will set the overarching guidelines for all working groups that need to exchange the unique device identification on the fields and format intended for expressing UDI related data using V2, V3, and FHIR. The goal of the UDI Pattern is to enable semantic interoperability for recording UDI information on medical devices used on or implanted in patients regardless of the information exchange standard used to move the information across (e.g., HL7 Version 2.x, HL7 v3 messages or CDA, HL7 FHIR).
General information
- Status: Published
Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: eHealth
Latest published version :