Read time: 2 mins EUOS Standards Academy Introduces New Webpage
To complement already existing standardisation best practices in ICT and to ensure established behaviours are upheld and advanced in the future, it is important to continue pushing standardisation education in general, as also aimed for by the new project EDU4Standards. The EUOS Standards Academy seeks to play a role by carving out a space for information exchange between industry professionals, universities, students, teachers, and decision makers particularly in ICT. Creating awareness about ICT standardisation, especially for individuals early on in the professional world, but also Higher Education Institutes, promotes good habits and participation, alleviating future noncompliance issues, and keeps standardisation top of mind. Creating a platform with a repository of readily accessible and easily discoverable training and education materials about ICT standardisation accelerates a more connected, informed, and standardised Europe.
Transitioning to the New EUOS Standards Academy Webpage is thrilled to be powering the renovated EUOS Standards Training Academy. This platform now possesses a clean display design, an easy categorisation of available courses, and an interface that is easier on the eyes for its users. Not only will users be able to easily filter and discover training modules adapted to their needs and knowledge level, but they also have access to a catalogue of archived materials from the previous academy developed under 2023, as well as the ability to connect and learn from standardisation experts through the Mentorship Program portal.
Another novelty of this section is the presence of materials directly authored by experts and partners using their own or third-party referenced sources. The first three core models about ICT standardisation already launched under the guidance of Knut Blind, Chair of the Standards Academy, and Ivana Mijatovic, Chair of Standards Group and Chair of the Training Academy. These modules can be easily accessed on the Academy page.
What’s Next
Similar to how standardisation experts and organisations need to remain flexible to respond to new industry trends and developments, the Standards Academy will continuously refresh and fortify the educational modules and tools in its portfolio with the latest research and material from industry experts, standard-developing organisations (SDOs), and EC Training Programmes.
Moreover, as part of our development strategy, synergies will be intensified and planned with other existing educational materials, including, for instance, the Training Academy and the EDU4Standards project.