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The third in the series of reports showing the tangible output of applicants who received funding under the 2023 open calls, or the ‘fellows’, “Following the Fellows” has just been published. This edition pinpoints the evidence-based outcomes resulting from work carried out by ICT Standards experts using funding obtained under the project’s third open call, offering them the opportunity to speak about their work and contributions to standards efforts. 2023 aims to support and facilitate specialists across a broad spectrum of ICT standardisation fields. ICT standards are not only key to the success of the Digital Single Market, but also support standardisation needs in key strategic areas towards the green transition and societal well-being.
The report presents key facts and figures showing how the results obtained intercalate European ICT standardisation priorities and gaps, and how the tangible impact achieved contributes to societal and industrial challenges. The publication also shows the reader what is needed for ICT standardisation to work in practice. The fellowship outcomes are also narrated around the four main technological areas outlined in the ICT Rolling Plan for Standardisation.
Download the 3rd Open Call Impact Report now

Here are some examples of the third call’s perspectives and contributions shared by the fellows:
“I contribute to the ISO PC 317 WG1: this group continues to develop the draft international standard for IoT privacy by design. As Convenor of the UK/BSI IoT privacy by design mirror panel and as an Expert Member of the Working Group, I voice the UK and European industry and consumer view and contribute my individual expertise in the technology law. In this Working Group, USA and Canada are very well represented and increasingly influential. It is therefore important that the contribution of European independent experts and SMEs continues, to ensure that the European perspective on Privacy (GDPR) and Cyber Security influences this standard”
Jacqueline Zoest, 2023 3rd Open Call Fellow
"In domains such as Smart Cities, sensor-created, near real-time data flows about various aspects of the built and natural environment needs to be quickly and reliably collected and analysed to feed autonomous and human-guided decision making. The new OGC Standard for JSON based encoding of observations, measurements and samples addresses the gap of lacking technical interoperability between information systems. The Observations, Measurements and Samples (OMS) family of standards enable cross-organisation and cross-domain exchange of data. This has great potential for societies, enterprises and individuals via added ease of use and analysis capabilities aggregation".
Ilkka Rinne, 2023 3rd Open Call Fellow
The “Following the Fellows” series makes perfect reading for the 2023 community, the European Commission, National Standards Bodies (NSBs), Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs), the Multi-Stakeholder Platform, SDOs and other interested parties who would like to gain more insight into ICT standardisation within a European context.
The project’s overall mission is to ensure European-wide active participation within the global ICT standardisation landscape and the contributions it may make to support the efforts of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation.
For further information, or if you work on ICT Standards and would like to receive financial support to aid your work, please reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to provide information on the next available open calls.