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Two European Initiatives Join Forces to Foster Standards for AI in Cybersecurity

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between SPATIAL & 2023

PISA – Italy, 23.11. 2021 - 2023 & SPATIAL kick-off their collaboration to reinforce standardiSation procedures for AI in cybersecurity. 2023 is a European initiative supporting the EU engagement in international ICT standardization. It has two key axes; firstly, it will fund 400+ European fellowships in ICT standardisation in a series of 10 Open calls providing a total of 3M€ of funding. Secondly, it operates the European Observatory for ICT Standardisation (EUOS) that is an interactive online ecosystem including an up-to-date standards repository as well as working groups sharing insights about ongoing standardization efforts across different initiatives. 2023 focuses on horizontal and vertical ICT fields as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation[1], among the focus areas are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity.

The EU funded SPATIAL project is working towards a trustworthy governance and regulatory framework for AI-driven security in Europe. It aims at societal impact by creating practical guidelines on regulation, governance, and standardisation procedures for AI in cybersecurity. The MoU can consolidate even further this commitment.

To foster the uptake of AI tools in cybersecurity among different end-users, and especially our European SMEs, it is necessary to process fresh and informed standards for AI in cybersecurity. Therefore, this cross-project effort gathering European experts is a great momentum to drive dedicated recommendations and actual contributions that reinforce the EU positioning in this field. And we are delighted to welcome the SPATIAL partners in the 2023 experts’ community making the EU engagement more visible and concrete on the international standardisation scene.

– says Mona Marill, Project Manager at AUSTRALO Marketing Lab, a partner in the 2023 Team.


My main expectation in SPATIAL is to effectively enhance trustworthy AI deployment and data governance in cybersecurity. This expectation is both ambitious and pragmatic, given the strong consortium of SPATIAL and a high demand by the EU to safeguard upcoming AI-driven safety and security services. We are very pleased to join forces with 2023, as we see standards as a key enabler to make our vision for the SPATIAL project effective

– says Aaron Ding, SPATIAL Project Coordinator at TU DELFT, the Netherlands.


In June 2021, 2023 Technical Work Group (TWG) on AI published a landscape report providing an overview of the diverse array of global standardisation work underway in Artificial Intelligence and the various organisations behind it. In addition, the 2023 TWG CYBER is working on a similar report published in the field of cybersecurity, and SPATIAL partners are invited to bring their expertise in this work.

SPATIAL kicked-off their activities last September and will be live for three years. Among their activities four different pilots will be executed to demonstrate concrete use cases concerning AI in ICT systems and cybersecurity
They will cover a broad range of use cases, including elements on privacy, network security, cybersecurity and even eCall emergency systems. The participation of major players of the industry and recognised research centers, envision a solid impact for the technology SPATIAL will develop.


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