20151 Information technology — Cloud computing and distributed platforms — Dataspace concepts and characteristics .

20151 Information technology — Cloud computing and distributed platforms — Dataspace concepts and characteristics

As a StandICT fellow call 6, I would like to call your attention to the current working draft of 20151 on Dataspace concepts and characteristics, produced by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38/WG 6 Data, interoperability and portability. As convenor of this group I want to ensure this work when completed is widely adopted.

The working draft is available to experts of the national standardization bodies through the OSD. On March 17th 2025 the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 plenary will be held with further working group meetings. This is an opportunity to join the discussion and learn more about this standard.

Please join our working group and review this document as we go through the comments disposition processes. 

Dataspaces provide a scalable and more automated approach to organizational agreements, and supporting software services that together enable trusted data sharing. This standard provides a discussion on high level concepts in Dataspaces. We anticipate that it be the entry point for other standards in the area. National bodies have the opportunity to join our working group and discuss the document further.

Please join ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38/WG 6 Data, interoperability and portability to get involved in this standard and other standards in Data, interoperability and portability.

As a StandICT fellow of call 6, I will work with you on the adoption of 20151.