Synergies Among Health Data Projects with Cancer Use Cases based on Health Standards .

Synergies Among Health Data Projects with Cancer Use Cases based on Health Standards. Stud Health Technol Inform. Gyrard A, Gribbon P, Hussein R, Abedian S, Bonmati LM, Cabornero GL, et al. Accepted (Full-paper). In: Medical Informatics Europe 2024 (MIE 2024). In press.

Amelie Gyrard, Philip Gribbon, Rada Hussein, Somayeh Abedian, Luis Marti Bonmati, Gibi Luisa Cabornero, George Manias, Gabriel Danciu, Stefano Dalmiani, Serge Autexier, Rick van Nuland, Mario Jendrossek, Ioannis Avramidis, Eva Garcia Alvarez

We are creating a synergy among European Health Data Space projects (e.g., IDERHA, EUCAIM, ASCAPE, iHELP, Bigpicture, and HealthData@EU pilot project) via health standards usage thanks to the HSBOOSTER EU Project since they are involved or using standards, and/or designing health ontologies. We compare health-standardized models/ontologies/terminologies such as HL7 FHIR, DICOM, OMOP, ISO TC 215 Health Informatics, W3C DCAT, etc. used in those projects.