The EU Observatory For ICT Standards WG-AI .
The EU Observatory For ICT Standards WG-AI
Great effort in the last few months by the EUOS WG on Artificial Intelligence chaired by Lindsay Frost (NEC, ETSI) has already produced a draft Technology Landscape Research Report for the European Commissions DG JRC (joint Research Centre) on standardization related to AI Risk.
This collaboration with Stefano Nativi of DG JRCwho coordinates the European Commission AI Watch initiative has been very successful and the EUOS WG-AI is looking forward to contributing to the next iteration of this report.
The WG-AI membership is Lindsay Frost (Chair: ETSI,NEC), Fergal Finn ( EAG, NSAI), Karl Grun ( EAG, AS), Jens Gayko ( EAG, VDE) and Ray Walshe (StandICT EUOS, DCU)
How do I join this group?
Hi Francisco,
The Chair of the group is Lindsay Frost (NEC, ETSI Board), I recommend that you contact him about contributing to TWG-AI, Best Wishes, Ray..
In reply to How do I join this group? by Francisco Mede…
Thanks, Ray
There must be a way to contact @Lindsay from within this environment
In reply to The EU Observatory for ICT Standards WG-AI by Ray Walshe
I am trying to do the same thing.
Should I send email to her directly?
In reply to How to join the TWG AI ? by Francisco Mede…
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