Available (380)

Showing 157 - 168 per page


GS QKD 015

ETSI GS QKD 015 V1.1.1

The present document provides a definition of management interfaces for the integration...
Sat, Jan 2 2021 (Sun, Jan 3 2021)


GS QKD 014

ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1

The present document specifies a communication protocol and data format for a quantum k...
Tue, Jan 1 2019 (Wed, Jan 2 2019)


GS QKD 012

ETSI GS QKD 012 V1.1.1

The present document describes the main communication resources involved in a QKD syste...
Tue, Jan 1 2019 (Wed, Jan 2 2019)


GS QKD 011

ETSI GS QKD 011 V1.1.1

The present document gives specifications and procedures for the characterization of op...
Mon, Jan 4 2016 (Tue, Jan 5 2016)


GS QKD 008 (Group Specification)

ETSI GS QKD 008 V1.1.1

The present document aims to establish the necessary requirements for a QKD module to h...
Mon, Jan 11 2010 (Tue, Jan 12 2010)


GS QKD 005

ETSI GS QKD 005 V1.1.1

Quantum key distribution (QKD) comprises technologies that use quantum mechanical effec...
Wed, Jan 11 2012 (Thu, Jan 12 2012)


GS QKD 004

ETSI GS QKD 004 V2.1.1

The present document is intended to specify an Application Programming Interface (API) ...
Tue, Jan 7 2020 (Wed, Jan 8 2020)


GS QKD 002

ETSI GS QKD 002 V1.1.1

The Use Cases Document shall provide an overview of possible application scenarios in w...
Tue, Jan 5 2010 (Wed, Jan 6 2010)


GR QSC 006

ETSI GR QSC 006 V1.1.1

The present document gives information on the long-term suitability of symmetric crypto...
Sun, Jan 1 2017 (Mon, Jan 2 2017)
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