DIN Standards are the results of work at national, European and/or international level. Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN; in English, the German Institute for Standardisation) is a German non-profit organization and acting as national organization for standardization. DIN is the German ISO member body. DIN is headquartered in Berlin. There are around thirty thousand DIN Standards, covering nearly every field of technology.
DIN's Benjamin Helfritz joined as panellist the StandICT.eu Webinar ‘Digital Product Passport’ on 28 April 2023. DIN's Christian Goroncy took part in the Standards Academy Training ‘Standardisation in practice: When is the right time for standardisation in research processes?’ on 1 February 2024, whilst Daniel Haack contributed to the Standards Academy Training ‘Open Source and Standardisation’ on 18 March 2024.
Stephan Weisgerber - DIN Head of Digital Platforms - is a Member of External Advisory Group.
DIN's Daniel Haack was interviewed for the StandICT.eu 2026 Research Report (‘Europe’s place in a changing ICT standardisation landscape’).
- Joint event(s)
- StandICT.eu External Advisory Group