Working group
1. Serve as the focus of and proponent for JTC 1's Smart Cities standardization program.
2. Develop foundational standards for the use of ICT in Smart Cities - including the Smart City ICT Reference Framework and an Upper Level Ontology for Smart Cities - for guiding Smart Cities efforts throughout JTC 1 upon which other standards can be developed.
3. Develop a set of ICT related indicators for Smart Cities in collaboration with ISO/TC 268.
4. Develop additional Smart Cities’ standards and other deliverables that build on these foundational standards.
5. Identify JTC 1 (and other organization) subgroups that are developing standards and related material that contribute to Smart Cities, and where appropriate, investigate ongoing and potential new work that contributes to Smart Cities.
6. Develop and maintain liaisons with all relevant JTC 1 subgroups.
7. Engage with the community outside of JTC 1 to grow the awareness of, and encourage engagement in, JTC 1 Smart Cities standardization efforts within JTC 1, forming liaisons as is needed.
8. Ensure a strong relationship with Smart Cities activities in ISO and IEC
General information
- Status: Published
Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: IoT Smart Cities