Working group
SC 31 continues to deliver technically rigorous standards that meet user requirements. Looking ahead in 2016 SC31 will deliver three standards of note. One jointly developed with SC 17 will measure the quality of OCR Characters used on passports significantly improving the readability of the characters (ISO/IEC 30116). The second will establish the first quantitative method for test and evaluation of localization systems aiding the first responder community and public safety (ISO/IEC 18305). The third is a method for uniquely identifying devices and items touching the Internet of Things (ISO/IEC 29161). In 2016 SC31 will commence a joint effort with the ISO Conformance Assessment Organization (CASCO) focusing on use of an “eLabel” to replace traditional conformance markings on electronic devices.
General information
- Status: Published
Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: Data storage services Data technologies