5G capabilities, e.g. high performance, long distance access, mobility and security are needed for 5G services in multiple market segments spanning residential, office, enterprise and factory that require functionalities similar to Local Area Networks (LANs).
3GPP TR 22.821 (feasibility study) is the basis for standardisation work on LAN Support for 5G. This Technical Report focuses on 5GLAN management, support of IEEE 802.1 functionalities for general Ethernet, support of TSN related functionalities for deterministic Ethernet, support of direct and indirect access to 5GLAN type service, support of UE mobility.
The objective of 5GLAN is to develop normative service requirements for 5G system to support 5G-LAN type services. Specifically, it focuses on:
- General service requirements to enable 5G LAN-type services (connections, support for IP and Ethernet, service continuity, discovery).
- 5GLAN connection and management.
- 5G private virtual network.
- 5GLAN service authorisation.
- Mobility and service continuity for 5G LAN-type service.
- Ethernet enhancements.
- Indirect communication for 5G LAN type service.
- Service exposure for 5G LAN-type service.
- Security, isolation and privacy.
This normative work fills gaps in 3GPP TR 22.261.
5GLAN is under 3GPP SA1 (Services) as features and related studies for Release 16 (Q1-2 2020).
Rapporteur: KPN. Supporting individual members: InterDigital; Huawei; Siemens; Nokia; ETRI; Vodafone; Qualcomm; LG Electronics; Intel; Verizon; China Mobile.
General information
- Status: Under development
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: 5G communications