This Technical Report describes test methods and metrics for measuring the pressures and forces associated with quasi-static and transient contact events of collaborative applications where risk reduction is provided primarily by robots with power and force limiting (PFL) by inherently safe design or safety functions according to ANSI/RIA R15.06 and RIA TR R15.606. This Technical Report also provides guidance on determining the conditions of the test measurements. A robot with PFL functionality is not to be considered safe “out of the box” as the PFL robot is a component within a collaborative application. If the PFL robot is used in an application with no human/robot collaboration, these test methods are not required. For further guidance on when to test, see Annex A: Determining When to Test PFL Applications. Forces attributable to human motion are not taken into consideration for the application of this technical report.
RIA TR R15.806-2018
General information
- Status: Under development
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: Robotics
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