Proposal(s) title:
- Towards standards convergence for digital identity wallets
- Security and privacy of biometrics for remote authentication
Proposal(s) topic:
Proposal(s) title:
- Strengthening security and privacy of biometrics applications through standards
- Towards standards convergence for digital identity
Proposal(s) topic:
Proposal(s) title:
- Strengthening security and privacy of biometrics applications through standards
Proposal(s) topic:
Impact on society:
Impact on society (5th Open Call)
Toward the development of EU-friendly solutions for biometrics-based services, employing strong privacy enhancing technologies, thus going further contractual/organisational requirements, to ensure privacy and security by design. Promoting the use of the newest privacy enhancing technologies is in particular very important (biometric technologies are more and more seen as a way to fight against authentication/identification threats in our digital lives) as sharing or leaking biometric information without appropriate protection can be very critical.
Value of Research
I estimate that digital identities, and the way to ensure appropriate levels of assurance and handling of corresponding credentials, are key for the digital society.

Standards Development Organisation: