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The “Following the Fellows” Impact report forms the very 1st in a series of publications to be produced by 2023 - the European Commission H2020 CSA funded project, coordinated by Trust-IT (IT), together with its consortium partners DCU (IE) and Australo (ES). The report series, which will comprise of in-depth analyses into the projects Fellowship Programme, will highlight key findings, contributions, observations and the tangible impacts of its open calls. The series would make perfect reading for the 2023 community, the European Commission, National Standards Bodies (NSBs), Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs), the Multi-Stakeholder Platform, SDOs and other interested parties who would like to gain more insight into ICT standardisation within a European context.
Immerse Yourself in the World of ICT Standardisation
Following the Fellows allows the reader to deep-dive into the unique perspectives of the fellows on how their work impacts both societies and economies. It takes a comprehensive look at the tangible and sustainable impacts that the fellows are making through their work, thanks to the nearly three million euros that 2023 is able to support thanks to European Commission funding towards supporting research into ICT standardisation. The project’s overall mission is to ensure European-wide active participation within the global ICT standardisation landscape and the contributions it may make to support the efforts of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation. Following the Fellows offers us the unique opportunity not only to showcase results but to also hear from those who are actively making the project’s aim a reality.
Measuring Impact Based on Data
In the current mid-digital phase, it’s difficult to imagine a life without data. How we measure the large amounts of data that we now collect and its impact upon our objectives is important - not least because it is key in creating the systemic and sizable change that we aim to see. It helps us to not only account for our performance but to pave the way forward and project our future trajectories. Following the Fellows does just that. Through evidence-based impact, it covers the results stemming from research on topics as broad as quantum computing and AI to cybersecurity and eHealth, highlighting the possible realities for these subjects in the very near future. Most importantly, it shows how these areas of expertise are likely to impact the spheres of health, safety, security and the environment, towards meeting and exceeding the goals of the EU’sEuropean Standardisation Strategy Roadmap.
What to Expect
Nestled amongst the pages of the 1st Following the Fellows publication, you will be able to find information on 36 fellows who have successfully obtained financial support from 2023 to the value of up to €307K, with a gender balance of 11 women to 25 men. The key topics covered, while focussing on the area of Healthcare include Cloud Computing, AI, 5G, eHealth, Quantum Computing, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, IoT and Big Data. The SDOs the fellows are contributing to include ITU, IEC, ISO, ISO/IEC, IEEE, W3C, ETSI and CEN/CENELEC. Through the impact report, discover how these fellows are responding to any specific gaps in ICT standardisation, which working groups they belong to, how they are tackling priority areas and how many new or existing standards the fellows are working on, as related to the project’s very1st open call.
How to Become a Fellow
Amelie Gyrard is a StandICT 2023 Fellow within the areas of IoT, AI and Smart Energy, having been selected within the project’s 1st open call. She is a contributor to SOC/IECs SC41 (IoT and Digital Twin) and SC42 (AI), IEC TC57 (Power Systems Management and Associated Information Exchange) and JWG3 (IEC Smart Energy Roadmap).
"The objective of my activity is to include EU contributions in semantic interoperability in ISO Standards". - Amelie Gyrard, Principal Research and Innovation Consultant, Trialog France.
If you have ICT standardisation contributions to make, then apply to our 5th Open Call and become one of our future Fellows. We look forward to having you part of our growing community!
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Read more about the Following the Fellows impact report, which is also available to download via Zenodo!