Read time: 3 mins 2023 & CUREX Projects Start a Collaboration to Support Evolution of Cybersecurity Standards in eHealth
Pisa, Italy, 13 April 2021 - 2023, The European Observatory for ICT Standardisation and CUREX Project, the initiative for Secure and Private Data Exchange has established a strategic partnership with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The aim of this collaboration is twofold: to engage new European experts in standardisation, as well as to foster the implementation of eHealth and cybersecurity standards across new initiatives.
Both 2023 and CUREX are supported by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Program, and they contribute to shaping Europe’s digital future with a shared focus in cybersecurity, Big Data, and eHealth. 2023 has two major objectives. Firstly, it supports European ICT experts through a series of 10 Open Calls to participate in international Standardisation Developing Organisations Working Groups covering wide-ranging topics as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation[1], and in this context especially Cybersecurity, Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain and eHealth. Secondly, 2023 runs the “EUOS – European Observatory for ICT Standardisation” that is an interactive platform monitoring the global ICT Standardisation landscape and providing to the community of ICT experts the most accurate coverage of relevant and timely ICT Standards.
CUREX is working towards the protection of the confidentiality and integrity of health data by producing a novel, flexible and scalable situational awareness-oriented platform. It allows a healthcare provider to assess the realistic cybersecurity and privacy risks they are exposed to and suggest mathematically optimal strategies for addressing these risks with safeguards. At the core of the CUREX platform, a decentralised architecture enhanced with a private blockchain infrastructure ensures the integrity of the risk assessment process and of all data transactions that occur between the diverse range of stakeholders involved. Aligning the platform with the major relevant standards in cybersecurity and blockchain are crucial for making the tool exploitable by stakeholders beyond the project duration.
This collaboration will benefit the entire 2023 Community and the European policymakers in standardisation, having the contribution of CUREX experts to the Technical Work Group (TWG) on Cybersecurity on the EUOS. Specific insights in the secure health data exchange are crucial for the digital transformation of European healthcare services. Moreover, this collaboration will result in recommendations unlocking the EU Digital Single Market in that field.
“Strengthening digital interoperability in the healthcare sector will enforce more sophisticated privacy management and allow onboarding more disruptive mechanisms to protect end users' rights and data. The collaboration will CUREX will result in the visibility of health data for the roadmap of ICT standards in the coming years.” Jose Gonzalez, CEO of AUSTRALO, one of the three partners in the 2023 consortium.
“CUREX aims to safeguard patient privacy and increase their trust in the currently vulnerable critical healthcare information infrastructures, especially in cases where data is exchanged among healthcare stakeholders within any business, operational and systemic cross-border environment. The collaboration with 2023 will enable us to study and assess the impact of ICT standards on health data and to promote the standardisation potential of the project results.” Irene- Maria Tabakis, Research Engineer at Cyberlens B.V., one of the partners in the CUREX consortium.
For more information & contact of the 2023:
Twitter: @Stand_ICT
LinkedIn: /company/standict-eu/
For more information & contact of the CUREX:
Twitter: @CUREX_H2020
LinkedIn: CUREXH2020