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Pisa, 16th August 2021 - 2023 has published its first Impact Report ("Following the Fellows - Impact Report from funded applicants to the 2023 Fellowship programme") to highlight the most important achievements and evidence-based results obtained by the ICT Standards experts funded under the first Open Call. The report provides an immersion to user empowered outcomes of the 2023 Open Call #1 from the perspective of fellows that were selected and awarded in this call.

One of the fundamental objectives of 2023 is to effectively support European ICT specialists in a wide-ranging selection of technological domains with a view to increase the influence of Europe into international ICT Standardisation, ensuring promotion of European requirements, standpoints and competence.

Another key-purpose of 2023 is to support those activities that aims at the modernisation and consolidation of the European Standardisation system, ensuring it is better oriented towards meeting the EU’s main interests, policy priorities, core principles and values, notably towards a speedy and seamless green, digital and industrial transition (as thoroughly indicated in the future “European Standardisation Strategy Roadmap”).

The primary purpose of this document is to share the results attained through the work carried out by the funded expert, and to showcase the most relevant outcomes, creating awareness of the potential impact and repercussions of such impact on commerce, industry, governmental policies and strategies and the society as a whole. This Open Call is the first one of a series from 10 2023 Open Calls, and each call will have a dedicated impact report with the goal to share the timely key findings, contributions, and observations with community, the European Commission, the Multi-Stakeholder Platform, the SDOS, and even beyond with all interested actors of our ever-growing 2023 community.

“We believe that this Report responds to the recommended approach under Horizon Europe to implement a more evidence-based impact, presenting the tangible results available from each activity in a timely fashion, as the result of careful and continuous monitoring of the impact that each successful applicant is making to European priorities. Further liaison and ex post analysis with the National Standards Associations and contributions to other H2020 or from Horizon Europe projects will respond and document what share of implementation of European standards have been adopted as national standards by Member states as a result of the work carried out that will make up a final Monitoring Impact Report to serve also Standard Developing Organisations in understanding their priorities going forward through to 2022-2023".

Silvana Muscella, 2023 Project Coordinator

Download and enjoy the complete Impact Report on Zenodo and do not miss the opportunity to apply to the ongoing 04th Open Call to join our Fellows' Community!

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