On Thursday 6th June 2024 (15:30 – 17:30 CEST) the CSA European Commission funded project 2026, in collaboration with the project, discussed amongst experts working on human rights and standards the issue of how to ensure Human Rights are considered and dealt with when addressing technical specifications in ICT standardisation.
This webinar intended to invite experts working specifically on ICT Standardisation and bring in their areas of expertise around specific issues linked to topics which imply respect of Human Rights, such as Virtual worlds, Data, cybersecurity, IoT AI and more.
Human Rights are defined by regulators, and compiled in Conventions, Declarations and different legal texts. The topic of the webinar focuses on how we may consider those Human Rights when developing technical specifications in ICT standardisation. What are the concerns and how can they be addressed already at the specification phase? The idea is to capitalise on fellows who have been successful in past Open Calls, as well as experts working on the topic, to discuss together how Human rights can and will be accepted in the development and implementation of ICT standards - for example issues around privacy, biometrics may have an impact on human rights.
The motivation behind the webinar is to provide background and increase support among like-minded and other third countries for looking into what is needed to integrate HR in ICT standards development process, including through the upcoming ITU TSAG and WTSA (World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly) meetings
15:30 - Welcome and Introduction, Silvana Muscella, Project Coordinator
15:35 - Policy perspectives, Emilio Davila Gonzalez, Head of ICT Standardisation Sector, DG CONNECT, European Commission
15:45 - Enhancing the EU Standardisation Strategy, Jochen Friedrich, Member of the ETSI Board, IBM
15:55 - The role of international standardisation bodies in addressing Human Rights concerns in ICT standardisation, Olivier Alais, ITU
16:05 - The intersection of cybersecurity and Human Rights in the context of ICT standardisation, Arnaud Taddei, Broadcom and ITU
16:15 - Panel discussion moderated by Nicholas Ferguson, Project Coordinator “Human Rights and ICT standardisation: examples and best practices across diverse SDOs” with fellows and experts. Invited panellists:
- Viveka Bonde, Partner, Bonde Advokate, ISO ( Fellow)
- Christian Grafenauer, ISO & CEN-CENELEC ( Fellow)
- Shakira Bedoya, Senior Compliance Officer, Danske Bank, ISO ( & Seeblocks Fellow and expert)
- Maria Grazia Porcedda, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin
- Veronique Lerch, Independent Human Rights Consultant
- Gabriela Garham, ISO, General Manager at ADIMECH AG
- Monica Martinez Vargas, Executive Director of Strategy 2 Succeed
- Charles Kiser Webb, Senior Information Technology Executive
17:15 - Q&A preliminary recommendations
17:30 - Wrap-Up with main findings
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- Time 15:30:00 - 17:30:00