Smart Cities and Communities, and Local Digital Twins are being progressively deployed in the EU. Advanced solutions will be rolled out as natural interfaces to deploy the CitiVerse at different levels in conjunction with urban platforms, new simulation algorithms and other emerging technologies. The ultimate goal will be supporting citizen’s participation and exploration of such hybrid worlds.
There is a need then to produce a Landscape Report on the standardisation and pre-standardisation work relevant to the CitiVerse and take this input to work out a pre-standardisation roadmap for the CitiVerse.
During this Webinar we will present the the standardisation and pre-standardisation work relevant to the CitiVerse (Metaverse for Citizens) elaborated within the 2026’s EUOS Technical Working Group, looking at horizontal dimensions and enablers like trust, security, privacy, sustainability and accessibility, openness, interoperability; and vertical dimensions like networks, edge/ cloud, blockchain, AI, computer vision, image processing, AR/ VR, virtual and real-world integration, linking all to specific needs stemming from defining concrete use cases for relevant services and capabilities.
- Cristina Martinez - Deputy head for Smart technologies for communities at European Commission
- Silvana Muscella - Trust IT CEO & 2026 Coordinator
- Antonio Kung – CEO at Trialog & Chair of EUOS CitiVerse TWG
- Joel Myers – Chair of the IEEE Smart Cities Future Summit & Vice Chair of EUOS CitiVerse TWG
- Pilar Orero - Professor at UAB & Co-Chair of ITU Focus Group Metaverse (Study Group 8)
- Marius Preda – Associate Professor at Institut Polytechnique de Paris
- Large Industry, Start-Ups & SMEs
- SDOs representatives
- National Standards Bodies representatives
- Experts in key technologies such as AI, IoT, Digital Twins, Augmented Reality & Edge Computing
- Time 11:00:00 - 12:15:00