events 2023 will join the 9th International Data Science Summit in Dublin. The event will provide unique insights into creating a data-driven culture in organizations, and will showcase the benefits of using data and analytics to drive the decision making process.
The summit will also provide the opportunity to connect with some of the most innovative people and ideas in the world of data science & AI. Renowned speakers will be welcomed to share innovative ideas on how to correctly and efficiently extract the knowledge & insights from data.
Current speakers at the event include:
- Ray Walshe, EUOS Director, 2023
- Thomas Hahn, Chief Software Expert, Siemens Germany
- Alessandra Sala, Director of AI and Data Science, Shutterstock
- Dr Ian Opperman, Chief Data Scientist, NSW Government Australia
- Barry Lowry, Irish Government CIO, Dept of Public Expenditure and Reform
- John Durcan, Senior Digital Transformation Specialist, Enterprise Ireland
- Brendan Bonner, Chief Technologist, IDA Ireland
- Pierre Gronlier, Chief Technology Officer, GAIA-X AISBL
- Martina Larkin, VP Global Issues, System
- Mehdi Jamei, Director of Data Science, System
- Yvo Volman, EC Director of the Data Directorate, DG Connect
- Ansgar Koene, Global AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader, Ernst & Young
- Sebastian Hallensleben, Head of Digitalisation & AI, VDE
The Data Science Foundation and standards
Data Science Foundation, the organised of the event, has conceptualized, socialized and is proposing an analytics maturity framework in the International Standards Organisation (ISO) through the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), to establish standards in this regard. The preliminary work has been shared with members of more than 7 countries in WG9 (working group of Big Data Analytics under ISO) meeting in Beijing and Washington DC in 2015 and a detailed discussion was held in February 2018 in New Delhi among the international members. The resolution has been passed in Dublin meeting and will go for final balloting.
The response has been very positive and work is progressing with International participation. International Standards proposition have been approved by more than 17 countries post SC 42 Artificial Intelligence plenary meeting at Dublin in 2019.
- Time 09:00:00 - 18:00:00
Dublin Convention Centre