
Scope of the event
Blockchains and DLTs are foundational architectures emerging in both technical interoperability and global enterprise contexts. The expectation that distributed ledger technology can deliver peer-to-peer, trust-based services in the low-trust environment of disintermediated global digital trade is ambitious. The added expectation that DLTs also meet oversight, regulation and compliance requirements relating to multiple trade territories, nation state and federated contexts is game-changing. This is the context in which technical standards are being written.
The global perspectives presented here, lend depth and insight into the success, opportunities and barriers to blockchain and DLT acceptance. We discuss where we are on the roadmap to global, ubiquitous adoption. Are DLTs fundamental to the world wide web of global trade? Does applied game theory work in cooperative multi-party enterprise? Or is the Metaverse the Tragedy of the Commons write large?
Time & Date
11:00 - 13:00 CEST, Thursday 05 May 2022
Who Should Attend
- Blockchain stakeholders from national/local authorities
- Researchers and academics in Blockchain fields
- ICT specialists and professionals working in the Blockchain & DLT domain
- Representatives of standards developing organisations
- Representatives of national standards associations
- Blockchain Hubs & Networks
Fiona Delaney (Moderator) - CEO AT Origin Chain Networks; Co-editor ISO TR6277 Data flow model for DLT use cases and EUOS Blockchain TWG Chair. Slides
Hui Ding - Secretary IEEE-SA P2418.10 Blockchain-based Digital Asset Management Slides
Kyeong Hee Oh - Project Leader of ISO 23257 Blockchain and DLT (Reference Architecture) & Representative of TCA Services Slides
Sudha E Iyer - Expert contributor ISO TC 307 Blockchain and DLT Slides
Ismael Arribas - CEO at KUNFUD; Co-founding member of INATBA; Convenor at ISO TC 307 WG3 Smart Contrast and their Applications; EUOS Blockchain TWG Co-CHair
- Time 11:00:00 - 13:00:00