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Overall Scope
The 3rd 2023 "Walk & Talk" webinar will focus on the discussion around Trusted Information in the era of the Digital Age. The experts involved in the field will give a short presentation on the current Trusted Information standard landscape inclusive of the perspective of National and European strategies and policies.
15.00 - 15.12 Welcome, Opening and Intro of 2023 - Silvana Muscella (Trust-IT CEO & StandICT.eu2023 coordinator)
15.13 - 15.25 Defending Trust and Identity in the Digital Age - Sebastian Hallensleben - EUOS TWG Chair
15.26 - 15.38 Key themes to create a compelling criteria-led Application - Caroline Thomas - EPE member
15.39 - 15.51 Trusted Information on Blockchains: the Case for Public-Private Partnerships - Galia Kondova - 2023 Fellow
15:52 - 16:00 Q/A Session and Conclusions
Who should attend
- ICT Specialists and Professionals under the main Digital Single Market domains
- Standard Developing Organisations representatives
- Members of Research Institutes working in ICT Standard Development
- Representative of National Standards Associations
Webinar recording:
- Time 15:00:00 - 16:00:00