Webinar - Women in ICT Standardisation,  11 speakers

The Women in ICT Standardisation webinar is back for its fourth edition, bringing together leading voices in the field of European standardisation. This year, StandICT.eu is proud to join forces with key EU-funded projects - HSbooster.eu, EDU4Standards, SNS-ICE, INSTAR, SEEBLOCKS.eu - alongside the Women4Cyber Foundation and the Women in Telecommunications and Research (WiTaR) working group of the 6G-IA.

Together, we aim to deliver comprehensive and content-rich discussions aligned with the priorities outlined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation, shedding light on the role of gender diversity in ICT standardisation and its impact on European policy and innovation.

The main objective of this webinar is to highlight the critical role of women in ICT standardisation, showcasing their success stories, achievements, and contributions to shaping key technical and policy documents. We will explore the challenges and opportunities faced by women in this traditionally male-dominated field and identify concrete pathways for greater inclusion and impact.

By sharing first-hand experiences, we aim to illustrate the tangible impact of gender diversity on the standardisation process, emphasising how a wider range of perspectives leads to more comprehensive, effective, and forward-looking standards. The webinar will also serve as an opportunity to derive preliminary recommendations for fostering broader and more sustainable engagement of women in standardisation.

Agenda & speakers

This edition will feature an outstanding panel of Standardisation Experts, with representation from various National, EU and global Standard Development Organisations (SDOs). 

  • 10:30-10:40: Welcome and introduction - Maria Giuffrida, StandICT.eu (moderator)
  • 10:40-11:45: Panel discussion "Engaging women in ICT standardisation: challenges, success stories and recommendations":
    • Nooshin Amirifar, CEN and CENELEC Team Leader and Account Manager.
    • Cristina Bueti, ITU-T Study Group 20 Counsellor on Internet of Things, digital twins and Smart Sustainable Cities.
    • Sylvia Cadena, Chief Development Officer W3C.
    • Claire Dalier, EDU4Standards project and Account Manager Policy & External. Affairs CEN and CENELEC.
    • Delaram Golpayegani, NSAI, ISO, CEN.
    • Susanna Laurin, e-Accessibility Joint Working Group Chair ETSI/CEN/CENELEC.
    • Silvana McMahon, Assistant Head of Research & Innovation DCU and NSAI, ISO.
    • Prachi Sachdeva, 5G/6G & Cloud Networks Consultant TNO, WiTaR and SNS-ICE project.
    • Johanna Sepúlveda, Airbus & INSTAR project Quantum European Task Force.
    • Diana Soeiro, HSbooster.eu expert and StandICT , ISO, CEN
    • Irina Tal, SEEBLOCKS.eu project and Assistant Professor in Computing DCU
  • 11:45-12:00: Q&A session
  • 12:00: closure

Target audience

The target audience for this webinar includes ICT Specialists and Professionals under the main Digital Single Market & Digital Europe domains, Standard Developing Organisations' representatives, Members of Research Institutes working in ICT Standard Development, Representative of National Standards Associations, general audience and civil society organisations involved in the promotion of women in STEM disciplines and education.


Read time: 3 mins

  • Date
  • Time 10:30:00 - 12:00:00