Proposal(s) title:
- Lifts and Escalators in Smart Cities
Proposal(s) topic:
Smart and Sustainable Cities
Impact on SMEs:
Impact on SMEs (3rd Open Call)
ISO/TC 178 has a liaison to:
- ELA European Lift Association
- SBS - Small Business Standards with EFESME (European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises aisbl) as an expert member for lifts.
Both associations are highly interested in this topic and with this liaison they participate actively at the ISO/TC 178 meetings as well as at the relevant WG meetings.
Chairing the meeting and giving them also relevant time in the meetings to talk and bring up their issues is essential for them; this is under my responsibility and highly considered, even several “big companies” are sometimes not so happy with this approach.
- ELA European Lift Association
- SBS - Small Business Standards with EFESME (European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises aisbl) as an expert member for lifts.
Both associations are highly interested in this topic and with this liaison they participate actively at the ISO/TC 178 meetings as well as at the relevant WG meetings.
Chairing the meeting and giving them also relevant time in the meetings to talk and bring up their issues is essential for them; this is under my responsibility and highly considered, even several “big companies” are sometimes not so happy with this approach.
Impact on society:
Impact on society (3rd Open Call)
Lifts, escalators and moving walks are essential elements for the transportation of society.
With this work safe access and accessibility for all is provided. Furthermore, this work encompasses energy efficiency and adherence to the United Nations’ sustainability goals namely 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 which are integral components of the standards.
With this work safe access and accessibility for all is provided. Furthermore, this work encompasses energy efficiency and adherence to the United Nations’ sustainability goals namely 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 which are integral components of the standards.
Proposal(s) title:
- Lifts and Escalators in Smart Cities
Proposal(s) topic:
Smart and Sustainable Cities
Impact on SMEs:
Impact on SMEs (4th Open Call)
ISO/TC 178 has a liaison to:
- ELA European Lift Association
- SBS - Small Business Standards with EFESME (European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises aisbl) as an expert member for lifts.
Both associations are highly interested in this topic and with this liaison they participate actively at the ISO/TC 178 meetings as well as at the relevant WG meetings.
Chairing the meeting and giving them also relevant time in the meetings to talk and bring up their issues is essential for them; this is under my responsibility and highly considered, even several “big companies” are sometimes not so happy with this approach.
- ELA European Lift Association
- SBS - Small Business Standards with EFESME (European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises aisbl) as an expert member for lifts.
Both associations are highly interested in this topic and with this liaison they participate actively at the ISO/TC 178 meetings as well as at the relevant WG meetings.
Chairing the meeting and giving them also relevant time in the meetings to talk and bring up their issues is essential for them; this is under my responsibility and highly considered, even several “big companies” are sometimes not so happy with this approach.
Impact on society:
Impact on society (4th Open Call)
Lifts, escalators and moving walks are essential elements for the transportation of society. With this work safe access and accessibility for all is provided. Furthermore, this work encompasses energy efficiency and adherence to the United Nations' sustainability goals namely 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 which are integral components of the standards.
Value of Research
There is a strong emphasis on safety, accessibility, energy & environment and highly relevant for the future ISO/TC 178 activities are also focusing now to a strong extent on ICT.

Full Name: Gero Gschwendtner
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Prof. Mechanical Engineering (HTL St. Pölten) and Independent Consultant, Gschwendt
Country: Austria
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Prof. Mechanical Engineering (HTL St. Pölten) and Independent Consultant, Gschwendt
Country: Austria
Standards Development Organisation: