Proposal(s) title:
- Harmonised AI cybersecurity standards in response to the EC AI standardisation request
Proposal(s) topic:
Artificial Intelligence
Proposal(s) title:
- Cybersecurity standards for AI systems in response to the EC standardisation request
Proposal(s) topic:
Artificial Intelligence
Impact on SMEs:
Impact on SMEs (2nd Open Call)
Harmonised cybersecurity standards for AI systems need to be developed and adopted, as a matter of urgency, for the benefit of the European industry, including SMEs and startups, as well as users and consumers.
Impact on society:
Impact on society (2nd Open Call)
It is essential to demonstrate the trustworthiness of AI systems, hence providing assurance to users and consumers (societal impact).
Proposal(s) title:
- Cybersecurity standards for AI systems in response to the EC standardisation request (AI Act)
Proposal(s) topic:
Artificial Intelligence
Impact on SMEs:
Impact on SMEs (4th Open Call)
Harmonised cybersecurity standards for AI systems need to be developed and adopted, as a matter of urgency, for the benefit of the European industry, including SMEs and startups, as well as users and consumers. In this context, it is necessary to demonstrate the trustworthiness of AI systems. Cybersecurity is one of the many aspects of trustworthiness.
Impact on society:
Impact on society (4th Open Call)
Cybersecurity for AI systems, although being just one of the aspects, is essential to demonstrate the trustworthiness of AI systems, hence providing assurance and trust to users and consumers leading to great societal impact.
Value of Research
Harmonised cybersecurity standards for AI systems need to be developed and adopted, as a matter of urgency, for the benefit of the European industry, including SMEs and startups, as well as European users and consumers.
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Full Name: Francisco Medeiros-Filho
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Independent expert - FM Tech Consult BV
Country: Belgium
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Independent expert - FM Tech Consult BV
Country: Belgium
Standards Development Organisation: