Working group
We are responsible for defining the equipment engineering, the bonding and grounding, the power supply interface and environmental aspects for telecommunication infrastructures and equipment.
We manage various engineering aspects of telecommunication equipment in different types of installations. These include:
- environmental conditions (climatic, thermal, active substances, acoustic, etc.);
- equipment practice (the physical requirements of racks, sub-racks and cabinets including thermal matters);
- power supply and grounding (power interface specifications, power and grounding distributions);
- eco-environmental matters (energy efficiency, environmental impact analysis, alternative energy sources);
- environmental matters associated with mobile Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) devices.
Much of our work on energy efficiency supports European Commission (EC) policies, regulation or legislation.
We also comprise representatives from the Telecommunication network operators and equipment suppliers of Europe, China, Japan and the US.
General information
- Status: Published
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: Interface and interconnection equipment