Working group
The LegalCiteM TC develops an open standard for machine-readable tagging of legal citations based upon a formalized conceptual model, vocabulary, metadata definitions, and prescribed syntax. The goal of the standard is to support rich tagging of citations while leaving the visible text of the citation undisturbed. The markup is intended to work for a broad variety of legal content types — including court cases, legislation, regulations, parliamentary documents, and legal treatises. It supports citations as used in different countries and jurisdictions, and allows other metadata to be associated with citations for purposes beyond just linking. The TC also defines use cases, overviews, sample data sets, and such other non-normative content to help guide implementers and users in adopting the standard.
The TC is affiliated with the OASIS LegalXML Member Section. For more information on the LegalCiteM TC, see the TC Charter.
General information
- Status: Published
- Publication date :
- Working Groups :
- Category: Information coding Data technologies