Michele Amoretti

Proposal(s) title:
  • Effective Characterisation of Quantum Computing Systems
Proposal(s) topic:

Quantum Technologies

Proposal(s) title:
  • Application Benchmarks for Quantum Computers
Proposal(s) topic:

Quantum Technologies

Impact on SMEs:

Impact on SMEs (5th Open Call)
My contributions in JTC22/WG3 are mostly related to quantum software, i.e., software that is executed on quantum computers but also software that is executed on classical computers for enabling/supporting quantum computations. In Europe, new SMEs are growing around the quantum software topic. Therefore, I feel that the activity I am carrying out in the context of JTC22/WG3 will be beneficial for those companies.

Impact on society:

Impact on society (5th Open Call)
Quantum application benchmarking will benefit industrial end-users, quantum computing manufacturers (hardware and software) and Governments. The general intent is to fulfil their needs for objective performance comparison of emerging quantum processors, providing application benchmarks with specific metrics and methodologies.

Value of Research

Quantum simulation will have a huge impact on the study of new materials and new drugs, as well as finding chemical catalysts to remove CO2 from the atmosphere or reduce the amount of energy to produce fertilizers.

Full Name: Michele Amoretti
Title & Organisation Name: Associate Professor - University of Parma
Country: Italy
Standards Development Organisation: