Proposal(s) title:
- DT-COOP: Standardising Digital Twins Cooperation
Proposal(s) topic:
Artificial Intelligence
Impact on SMEs:
Impact on SMEs (2nd Open Call)
This proposal will amplify the SAREF impact on the standard ontology's general usability.
It would be possible to empower the EU know-how and leadership in this sector, especially in the ontology-AI-Digital Twins integration.
It would be possible to empower the EU know-how and leadership in this sector, especially in the ontology-AI-Digital Twins integration.
Impact on society:
Impact on society (2nd Open Call)
The increased quality of the outcomes of the industrial sector will contribute to increase the quality of life of citizens.
Value of Research
In this fellowship, I work on the analysis of the Digital Twins (DT) landscape with a focus on the urban domain. We focused on two priority gaps that, once solved, may enable the modelling of complex DT through the exclusive use of the SAREF suite to enhance the interoperable communication between entities composing a DT; and to enable the modelling of time series to represent how a DT evolves through time.
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Full Name: Mauro Dragoni
Title & Organisation Name: Head of the Intelligent Digital Agents research unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Country: Italy
Title & Organisation Name: Head of the Intelligent Digital Agents research unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Country: Italy
Standards Development Organisation: