Proposal(s) title:
- Environmental Sustainability for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Proposal(s) topic:
Circular Economy including Digital Product Passport
Proposal(s) title:
- ISO TC 307 Working Group 5 - Governance
Proposal(s) topic:
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Impact on SMEs:
Impact on SMEs (4th Open Call)
Despite the fact that 95% of industries are composed of SMEs, there is a significant underrepresentation of this organisation's viewpoint on standards development. I am the liaison officer of the Small Business Standards in all the TCs at ISO. I contribute to giving a voice to European SMEs in standardisation at the European and international levels. In addition, to provide comments in the meetings I promote the use of the compatibility test of the SBS and collaborate in the workshops to facilitate the mutual understanding among the industry and the SDOs.
Impact on society:
Impact on society (4th Open Call)
These standardisation efforts support the achievement of the objectives of the Green Deal and the SDGs, as well as the political objectives of the European Commission and support for the New European Standardization Strategy. As a convenor position of a key working group at the ISO level, I am able to promote the European values in standards development. In addition, this action promotes the improvement in the efficiency of public services with the use of reliable applications and technologies that contribute to sustainable development.
Value of Research
At the high level, ICT standards must establish a framework for ensuring trust, interoperability and interoperation via secure and reliable applications, as well as facilitate the stakeholder ́s engagement.

Full Name: Belen Suarez
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Go To Innovation CEO, Reaccion Economica
Country: Spain
Role: convenor
Title & Organisation Name: Go To Innovation CEO, Reaccion Economica
Country: Spain
Standards Development Organisation: