Description and Scope 2023 is a 36-month, EC-funded project whose most prominent goal is to tackle the need for a more harmonised ICT Standardisation landscape by achieving the following objectives:
- To provide the vital financial support for European ICT Specialists to reinforce EU presence in the international ICT Standardisation arena.
- To deliver a comprehensive ICT Standards Observatory (EUOS) that will become the central hub for the current and future generation of European ICT Standardisation experts.
- To keep nurturing a vibrant community of Standards professionals by maximising synergies with ongoing initiatives and European and national level.
The 2nd of November marked the roll-out of the Fellowship Programme: a series of 10 Open Calls that will run until 2022 and provide € 3 million to support the activities of european ICT Standards specialists within Working Groups & Committees of SDOs and SSOs worldwide.
The ten calls will focus around macro-areas of the key strategic orientations of the Strategic Plan In The Horizon Europe Framework Programme. “ICT for Healthcare”, extremely relevant for 2020, has been chosen as the priority topic for the 1st Open Call, while applicants will be still able to apply for the wide range of ICT domains that form the building blocks of the Digital Single Market, as well as those included in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2020.
This Webinar will feature European Commission representatives from the ICT Sector for Standardisation, the Coordinator and Partners of the project, and representatives from SDOs and will also provide a testimonial from the previous pilot project (2018-2020).
Main Takeaways
- Clear explanation of how 2023 can concretely enable a more effective representation of European standpoints and priorities in Standardisation landscape worldwide.
- Tutorial on the main features of the Open Calls.
- Presentation of the new EUOS - European Observatory for ICT Standardisation.
- The critical linkage between and the current European Legislation and Policy on ICT standards.
- How aims to empower the next generation of ICT experts.
- The tangible impact of participants on the key-pillars of the Rolling Plan and DSM.
Who should attend
- ICT Specialists and Professionals under the main Digital Single Market domains
- Standard Developing Organisations representatives
- Members of Research Institutes working in ICT Standard Development
- Representative of National Standards Associations
15:00 - 15:10 Intro of 2023 Open Calls & EUOS - Silvana Muscella
15:10 - 15:20 EC Standpoint on ICT Standardisation & Policy - Thomas Reibe
15:20 - 15:30 Importance of in supporting SDOs Working Group activities - Brian McAuliffe
15:30 - 15:40 Education in Standardisation: the role of 2023 - Ray Walshe
15:40 - 15:50 Learn from our past Experts - How can support ICT Standards experts - Giorgio Cangioli
15:50 - 16:05 Q&A Session and Conclusions
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Silvana Muscella CEO & founder of Trust-IT Services & CEO & co-founder of COMMpla. She tackles high-level strategy building, business acquisition, coordination & strategic marketing and communication developments namely in ICT in standards, energy efficiency, cybersecurity & cloud computing tools & services. High-Level Expert Group Chair of the HLEG EOSC -European Open Science Cloud [2017-2018]. |
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Thomas Reibe EC Senior Expert at DG CONNECT and Project Officer of the initiative. He is in charge of the coordination of ICT standardisation activities for bridging the gap between research and standardisation, EU regulation related to standardisation, standards supporting EU policies and international cooperation for ICT standardisation. |
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Brian McAuliffe Director of Technology Standards at HP Inc. & ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liason Officer to the European Commission. He is active in ISO/IEC JTC 1, the technical committee responsible for international standardisation in information technology, covering topics such as IoT, AI, Cybersecurity and 3D Printing. Brian also represent ISO on the EU's Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT standardisation. |
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Ray Walshe Invited Talks, Keynote Speaker, Standards Leader in AI, BigData, Cloud @Dublin City University (DCU). United Nations Standards Expert Group UNECE WP6, Digital Leader - World Economic Forum, IEEE European Public Policy Committee for ICT, Chair of Expert Advisory Group, Steering Committee JIS - European Commission. ISO/IEC JTC1 SC42 Artificial Intelligence Lead Editor Big Data Reference Architecture. Researcher at Insight National Centre for Data Analytics, Researcher at ADAPT Centre for Global Content DCU. Funded Projects by SFI, EI, EU FP7 and H2020. He is the Chair of the 2023 External Advisory Group. |
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Giorgio Cangioli Senior Consultant, more than 20 years of experience in digital Health and Social Care. Involved in several Regional, National and European projects (e.g. epSOS; Trillium II, UNICOM, X-eHealth and several others). Strongly engaged with standard development organizations, IHE and DICOM WG 5 in the past; now with HL7, CEN/TC 251 and ISO/TC 215 (WG1, WG3 and WG6). Co-facilitator of the HL7 International Patient Summary (IPS); member of the CEN, ISO and IHE IPS project teams. Chair of HL7 Italy, Tech Lead and Board member of HL7 Europe, member of HL7 Int. Technical Steering Committee and CDA Management Group. Author of several standard-based templates/profiles/guides for regional, national, and European interoperability projects. |
- Time 15:00:00 - 16:30:00