The objective of the webinar is to introduce the work of IEC/SEG 9 to a broad stakeholder community and obtain input to assist in developing recommendations to the IEC Standardization Management Board for the future structure of standardization for Smart Homes/Buildings
SEG 9 has recognised the rapid convergence and development of new technologies in the Smart Home/Building domain and how this impacts many IEC, ISO technical committees & beyond. Coordination between these entities is essential to avoid dilution of technical resources /or duplication of technical activities.
Alarm clock 2 March 2021, 12:00 PM CET
#smartcity #smarttech#IECStandards
Register here: iec.zoom.us/webinar/register
Progam: #IECAcademy webinar: "Future structure of standardization of Smart Homes/Buildings"
- Time 12:00:00 - 14:30:00